You have to go to The Forbidden Gateway (teleport from Aden to Seal of Shilen) and talk to Aden Vanguard Quartermaster.
Find the 4 Aden Vanguard Corpses inside the Cemetery (2 near the left wall and 2 near the right wall) and talk to them to get the 4 Vanguard Soldier's Dog Tags.
Go back and talk to Aden Vanguard Quartermaster.
Near the Aden Vanguard Quartermaster is Aden Vanguard Member and you have to talk to him in order to get teleported to Incubator of Evil instanced zone.
You have to talk to Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph and choose 2 helpers of the 4 available by talking to them (once you've done the unselected ones will disappear)
The 4 helpers are:
Priest Alice - healer
Officer Barton - fighter
Magus Eliyah – battle mage
Sniper Hayuk - archer
You might want to chose the healer since it will heal you and the other helpers. The second helper I often choose is the fighter but it's up to you and your class.
After you talk to Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph you will be teleported to a battle zone where mobs will spawn and attack you and your helpers.
Kill the mobs until you are asked to talk to Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph. You will get from him the Cry of Fate ring item.
You have to talk again with Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph and start killing the mobs which will spawn. Be careful since this time there will be a lot more of them.
During the fight, Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph will request to talk with him so do it quickly in order to stop the mobs spawning and attacking.
Aden Vanguard Captain Adolph will give you a Scroll of Escape so you could leave the dungeon.
You will be teleported back to Aden Vanguard Member and you will have to SoE again.
Go back to High Priest Orven (Aden Town - Einhasad Temple), choose your 3rd class and receive your reward.
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