2. He will port you near Ketra Orc Supporter NPC and you'll have to talk to him.
3. Go straight on and you'll find on the left side the first wall of mobs which you have to kill.
4. Go forward and at the end of the bridge there will be the 2nd wall of mobs.
5. After you kill them you'll have to walk forward but somehow a little to the right right and you'll see on your left the next NPC to talk to.
6. Turn back and take the first right where there will be the 3rd wall of mobs.
7. After it you will find on the left the last NPC to talk to. In front of that NPC (which is your right side as you came to talk to it) is the 4th wall of mobs (and the last one you have to kill).
8. Behind them sleeps the Dragon which you have to kill in order to complete the quest. It won't move but will throw balls of fire once you'll attack him.
9. After you kill him a NPC will spawn so talk to him and receive your XP (24,570,000), SP (5,896) and Pailaka shirt (A grade).
In conclusion I've started the dungeon at level 74 with 95% and finished it at level 75 with 15% so I got only 20% doing it.
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